Be ready for tomorrow

Hemsley Fraser is a complete learning and talent development provider.

We have a long-standing reputation as a world-class provider of engaging, performance-boosting and change-enabling learning and development services.

Noted especially for our digital content, learning services, leadership development and large-scale strategic solutions, we are a one-stop shop provider repeatedly chosen by clients for our innovation, agility, world-class design, and results-focused delivery.

Through the creation of learning experiences that are tailored and managed for your workforce needs, we believe that talent development, done right, can have a transformative effect on people, organisations, and the experience of work.

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Types de services

Accompagnement et coachingConseil aux entreprises de formation et CFAEntreprise de formation et apprentissage

Domaines de formation

Assistanat et secrétariatCommunication, information et sciences humainesGestion, comptabilité et auditManagementRessources humaines et formationVente et marketing


indépendants / profession libéraleParticulierssalariés et dirigeants

Démarches qualité

Autres démarche qualitéRSE